Monday, February 16, 2009

Kids are now Rogue and Wolverine!

I am listening to Kyle jump up and down as Wolverine saves someone and Meredith watching Storm make snow go everywhere. They love the X-MEN movies. Kyle is constantly asking me what a non-mutant is. :)
That is really hard to explain.
He still does not get it.
They chase the poor dog around the house pretending he is the "bad one" mutant. Poor Barkley just freaks and scrambles.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Paul and I wanted to spend some family time together... so we decided to go to the canal and walk around and skip rocks. You know, good old FREE fun. We even brought Barkley.
Get there and it is soooo muddy, my UGGs were going INTO the ground. YUCK! It was all over our shoes and the dog's paws. We decide to go the the part people kayak through-- it was almost solid ice across. I could not believe it. It was 60 degrees out and still there was ice. So we tried for about 20 minutes to break it up-- throwing rocks and random things. Paul made a hole. The kids threw rocks towards that and tried to score a goal like in soccer.
We ended up get grocery bags and tying the kids and Paul up in them. One per foot. It must have been hilarious when they got out of the car. I can only imagine what people thought.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Octuplets in CA

Let me start by saying that I am happy that there are 8 more precious and innocent babies in this world. How blessed is that mom.
Here goes my confusion....
The doctors should NOT have put in 8 embryos. That is outrageous. Then the mother for choosing to carry ALL of them, while she already had 6 kids at home.
This is the part that angers me. She is now looking for a handout. From Oprah and others. She has hired a PR firm to handle offers. SHE chose to have those babies. SHE should have realized how much it would cost to raise them. It just angers me so badly. "I can have them and someone else will pay for it and then volunteers will come in to take care of them."
What is wrong with this picture? Am I alone in this or am I crazy for thinking this is wrong?