Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's a wonderful day for some yard work.....

The kids are soooo upset with me for saying that we HAVE to clean the front and back yard up.. but if it has to be done, it has to be done. Then, Meredith and I have to make an Italy flier for tomrrow's Thinking Day along with about 120 cookies. :)
Then she is off to a HOTEL SLEEPOVER for 11 year olds. (I KNOW!) And Kyle is on his official "Mommy-Daddy-Son Date". He is loving that he gets to pick what we do. So we are heading to the mall with the Lego store to spend a gift card. Then he wants to go to Barnes and Noble to read. Not buy books, read. I am loving it too!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Finally, Kyle has lost his first tooth. YES, at 6 years and 10 months. FINALLY! As funny as that is, (or maybe just sad) he fell asleep with Meredith and somehow it ended up IN HER FACE! She woke up last night at about 10:30 and came up to tell me something woke her up and preceeded to tell and then show me what it was.... HIS TOOTH!
He woke up and was soooo excited.
After school today, he was running around to EVERYONE, teachers, parents, other students, telling them about losing his first tooth.
He could not have been prouder!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The kids are now depressed

Meredith and Kyle are so sad that Mama is gone. :(
Kyle was sooo unhappy that Mama was not waiting for him when he got out of school.
Meredith thought for a second when I picked her up that Mama was still here. She just got this look of "what the heck, where is my Mama?" on her face.
Poor things!!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Kyle is telling everyone at school "My Mama is come on Firstday and I like her and I love her. She is going to play with me and watch me on my new bike." It is SOOOO cute!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

ALERT-- Kids do clean!!!

My two wonderful kids are in Kyle's room cleaning for the upcoming "Mama trip". They did start in a relatively clean room and DUMP the bookcase to organize that. :)
Mama is coming up for her quarterly visit and we could not be more excited. Meredith is just happy to have her to listen to and play with. Kyle cannot wait to show her "his moves" from Tae Kwon Do. :)