Monday, November 29, 2010

Better watch out... Santa Claus is coming... .to town....

SOOO, I spent a ton of hours buying just the right thing for each person on my list. Momma, Daddy, Paul, Kevin, Katie, Meredith, and Kyle. WELLLLLLLL, Kyle then tells Paul tonight.... "I dont like what I told you earlier, I like THIS!" So mad scramble to get all that he said and tomorrow and the rest of the week will consume me with returning the gifts already purchased.
:( OH, the horror of Christmas presents. This is why I do not give out a list. I accept what your decision was for me to receive and appreciate your time and effort in getting said gift. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Kyle is almost 8!!

So, this morning, the way I got Kyle out of bed was to remind him that he would get a birthday pencil at school and WHOOSH! He was up and gone. He made him breakfast, got dressed, brushed his teeth. It was like my baby is now a little man. :(
I was a little sad that he does not "need" me anymore. My little man is so independant. He is compassionate and considerate. I must be doing something right.

Sunday is his birthday and he has a baseball game.
Last week, for the first time ever, he struck out all three times at bat.
Here is to praying for at least one hit, if not all 3. :)

I love you Bubba and am proud to be your momma!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Kyle had a TKD class last night..... he begged me not to "make" him go. But, I am so happy I made him go.
*Paul got to see him. Paul has been making a point to come home earlier to be with the kids and me. It is so nice to get to eat dinner with him and the kids and get to share our days.
*Kyle got to see his friends, Avi and Duncan. He only really sees them at TKD. Starting next week, Kyle and Avi have baseball, so they will see each other more. But from October until now, they see each other once a week.
*Kyle got his sparring gear on the fastest. :) Between his "slowness" and my wrists hurting, he is usually one of the last ones done getting ready. But some fluke allowed us to be first done. It was a proud moment for the both of us. :)
*Kyle got some one-on-one time with Master Holloway. It was awesome! Master Holloway has this "magic touch" with students. He knows exactly how to speak to them, how to correct them, and especially how to encourage them. We have some awesome pics of Kyle with him and one of him kicking Master Holloway. It made his night! And Paul's because he got to see Kyle doing so well. :)
I am so happy it turned out to be a good night. :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
It has been an eventful morning.
Kids woke us up by sccreaming (of course, loving things at each other).

Paul makes pancakes and bacon..... YUM!
The boys are off to get haircuts. Their hair is getting so long and over their ears, that I am actually making them.
The girls are going to stay home and clean a little bit.
Uncle Kevin is coming at 330pm to watch the kids.
YEA for us.
Paul and I have no clue what we are going to do, but we are going to enjoy being able to talk and focus on one another. :)
I cannot wait.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Daddy is home.....

But then gone again tonight. :(
He is doing a Breast Cancer Jeep thingy or other... he needs to go have fun with his friends. I miss him, but men (and women) need time to just be with friends....

Kyle is very cooperative today and I am not sure why. Very loving and easy to please... I am on to it, just not sure why he is doing this... I will investigate and let you know.

Meredith got an A+ on a health project this week.... she is so proud of herself. She seems to be doing well, but we will see when the report card is mailed.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Life has been remarkedly busy.... no clue why....
too much on plate I guess.
Kyle is doing well in school and baseball. In Tae Kwon Do, he got his sparring gear and is excited about punching the tar out of people.
Meredith is doing great in her new school and has started a Babysitting Cerification class. :)
Paul started a new job and is starting to travel for his work. This week, RENO!!!
I am loving my life and family!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

We are home.... but missing the Mama and Papa....

The kids and I got home last night (safely I might add). We are happy to be with Paul and I am especially happy just to be in my own bed (not that the bed I was in was not comfortable, but you know that feeling of just being in your home and curling up in your own bed?).
But the 3 of us are missing being with Mama and Papa. :(
The kids had a blast..... they swam at a water park twice, Papa got in the pool with them, Mama went swimming with them. They went out to eat, bowl, miniature golfing. What more could they do?
I got to hang out with my best friend and some friends from high school.
All in all, good times.
Just missing them. :(
Best part though, when Paul met us coming off the plane, Kyle was wearing a t.u. shirt that Paul did NOT find funny as I thought that he would. :) Jenn likes to play jokes too much!! :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pay it forward and don't look back for the return....

It is a truly selfless concept.
To give and not want anything in return.
I hope to show others that I live this way.
I pray to be an example of goodness for my children.
I want them to do good "just because".
Not because that person might give back to them.
I wish for a place that all people can do so.
Not think of themselves (which is one of the hardest things),
but to put others first. Through their thoughts, actions, and words.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Swimming, Cleaning, and FUN!!!

What could be more fun than telling your kids if they clean continuously for 14 hours over two days, then they can go swimming?
But that is what I felt like did. I asked them to clean the basement. It literally took them 14 hours. I counted. OH MY!
BUT, now that it is done, it is easier to maintain.
We had 7 total kids in it for two hours. It took them 20 minutes to clean it up. Not bad.
Then we went swimming from 3 until 8pm. Long day. But the kids had a blast.
Mommy worked on her tan and gabbed with friends the whole time.
What could be better?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Paul's Poor Jeep

Paul is outside AGAIN working on his Jeep.
It is never going to be fixed.
We had to push it OUT of the driveway to just push it back IN!
Only good thing is that we at least have a driveway to work in,

not a slanting street like we used to have. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Last week of school (or at least the last two days)!!!

Sooo, the kids are ready for school to be out and so are we. :)
Kyle's last ball game was today- he did great!
Meredith had her 5th grade pool party and loved it!
I am baking a Texas sheet cake for the teachers for the half-day on Tuesday as a "thank-you" to them.
Tomorrow (Monday) is the last GS meeting and I have made cupcakes, brownies, of course, a Texas sheet cake and we are having make your own sundaes too!
Tuesday is the end of the year party for the kindergarten class and it is a sundae party I am in charge of.
I am soooooo tired just typing it.
BUT the kids will love it!
Cannot wait for Wednesday-- I AM SLEEPING IN!!!!
If the kids let me! :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kyle is officially 7!!!!

Kyle's birthday has come and past-- this past Saturday (May 16th) Kyle turned 7. I can hardly believe that my baby is 7.
He is such a sweet, loving boy. I got strep the night before and was really sick and basically in bed. He brought me drinks and medicine and did whatever I needed. At one point, he told me "Mommy, I don't care about my presents. I just don't want you to die." He, in his sweet, innocent mind, thought that I was so sick because I was going to die. At the ER, he asked the doctor if my heart was okay. Because I had already warned the doctor that this might happen, he told him soooo nicely that Mommy was okay and that all the medicines would make me feel soooo much better. It was so nice of him to do. Kyle then clapped and jumped that Mommy was not dying. :) How could you not love your son for being happy you are not knocking on death's door?
He is the best!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kyle's first game went GREAT!!!

Kyle had his first baseball game today at 12:30. HE DID GREAT!!!
He had 3 at bats and hit the ball (WITHOUT THE T) all three times.
We are soooooo proud of him.
He was playing outfield and if the ball was hit, he would just run to
whichever base was closest. Paul thinks so he could be part of the
One ball was hit right at second (which he was playing that inning) and
he ran, got on the base, put his arm out waiting to catch the ball.....
it went right through his legs. It was soooo cute. :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's a wonderful day for some yard work.....

The kids are soooo upset with me for saying that we HAVE to clean the front and back yard up.. but if it has to be done, it has to be done. Then, Meredith and I have to make an Italy flier for tomrrow's Thinking Day along with about 120 cookies. :)
Then she is off to a HOTEL SLEEPOVER for 11 year olds. (I KNOW!) And Kyle is on his official "Mommy-Daddy-Son Date". He is loving that he gets to pick what we do. So we are heading to the mall with the Lego store to spend a gift card. Then he wants to go to Barnes and Noble to read. Not buy books, read. I am loving it too!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Finally, Kyle has lost his first tooth. YES, at 6 years and 10 months. FINALLY! As funny as that is, (or maybe just sad) he fell asleep with Meredith and somehow it ended up IN HER FACE! She woke up last night at about 10:30 and came up to tell me something woke her up and preceeded to tell and then show me what it was.... HIS TOOTH!
He woke up and was soooo excited.
After school today, he was running around to EVERYONE, teachers, parents, other students, telling them about losing his first tooth.
He could not have been prouder!