Saturday, June 27, 2009

Paul's Poor Jeep

Paul is outside AGAIN working on his Jeep.
It is never going to be fixed.
We had to push it OUT of the driveway to just push it back IN!
Only good thing is that we at least have a driveway to work in,

not a slanting street like we used to have. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Last week of school (or at least the last two days)!!!

Sooo, the kids are ready for school to be out and so are we. :)
Kyle's last ball game was today- he did great!
Meredith had her 5th grade pool party and loved it!
I am baking a Texas sheet cake for the teachers for the half-day on Tuesday as a "thank-you" to them.
Tomorrow (Monday) is the last GS meeting and I have made cupcakes, brownies, of course, a Texas sheet cake and we are having make your own sundaes too!
Tuesday is the end of the year party for the kindergarten class and it is a sundae party I am in charge of.
I am soooooo tired just typing it.
BUT the kids will love it!
Cannot wait for Wednesday-- I AM SLEEPING IN!!!!
If the kids let me! :)