Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pay it forward and don't look back for the return....

It is a truly selfless concept.
To give and not want anything in return.
I hope to show others that I live this way.
I pray to be an example of goodness for my children.
I want them to do good "just because".
Not because that person might give back to them.
I wish for a place that all people can do so.
Not think of themselves (which is one of the hardest things),
but to put others first. Through their thoughts, actions, and words.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Swimming, Cleaning, and FUN!!!

What could be more fun than telling your kids if they clean continuously for 14 hours over two days, then they can go swimming?
But that is what I felt like did. I asked them to clean the basement. It literally took them 14 hours. I counted. OH MY!
BUT, now that it is done, it is easier to maintain.
We had 7 total kids in it for two hours. It took them 20 minutes to clean it up. Not bad.
Then we went swimming from 3 until 8pm. Long day. But the kids had a blast.
Mommy worked on her tan and gabbed with friends the whole time.
What could be better?